

Tilney's wonderful sisters, Aberdeen and Katy, will be standing up in the wedding.

  • Aberdeen: Audrey Hepburn lookalike by day, mother of three energetic boys (Skye, Zachary, and Kyle) by day *and* night...she's a dynamo! With an encyclopedic knowledge of disco and funk--and the moves to match--she is the life of any party!
  • Katy: Abundantly artistic, this mother of two (Luciana and Giacomo) is able to leap tall toddlers in a single bound. Considering a secondary career as a car-singing diva (headlining at a stop-light near you), she is fantastic company on road trips of any length!
So elegant, so spirited, so much fun...it just doesn't seem right to call them "Matrons" of Honor. Aberdeen and Katy have been Tilney's role models and friends for her whole life, always letting her tag along when they'd go out for movies, concerts, ice cream runs, and other activities.

Fun Fact: The "me too!" tradition continues to this day, with Tilney following in the footsteps of Aberdeen and Katy in marrying a man whose last name contains the letter "Z"!

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