
Girls Gone Wild!

On Friday, October 19, the bride and her girlfriends celebrated her bachelorette party in Madison, where the bride and groom met. A fabulous time was had by all. Big thanks to Amy and Kelsi for planning the evening.

We started out the evening at Genna's Lounge (the site of the famed first meeting), with a round of Cosmopolitans, compliments of some nice guy at the bar. We ended our time at Genna's with a round of tequila shots, compliments of a different nice guy at the bar. Actually, it was the bartender. As it turns out, he met his fiance at Genna's, too, and is getting married one week before our wedding! (From left, Amy, Kelsi, Lisa, and Colleen.)

Next we walked to Takara for dinner. (Here is the bride at left, and her friend Lisa at right. It was dark out!)

At Takara, we gathered 'round a steaming hibachi table for dinner and took many photos of one another at close range. (Here is one of Cindy!)

No bachelorette party would be complete without a hot man workin' hard to please the ladies. (Here he is, with the Onion Volcano!)

More close-range photography of The Ladies of Hibachi Night! (Here is Mary, at left, and Kelsi, at right.)

Can it really be considered a true bachelorette party without the following happening at some point in the night? One of the girls comes back from the restroom giggling. She says, "There's a man in hip-waders in there...fishing!" The rest of the girls go in to investigate. A photo is snapped. (Et voila: Man in hip-waders. Fishing!)

The next stop on the party-train was Cocoliquot, a restaurant devoted to the glorification of chocolate in all its delightful forms: Solid, liquid, and cupcake.

I'm not exactly sure what all of these beautiful desserts (foreground) or lovely truffles (background) were made of, but they tasted FANTASTIC! (And to think we were actually debating whether six girls could finish all of these treats...)

It seems all good things in life end before we're ready to say goodbye: sunsets, rainbows, well-written TV shows canceled before their time, and alas, this party. But not before we took one last photo! (Back row, from left: Colleen, Nicole, Tilney, Kelsi; front row, from left: Amy, Cindy.)

Thanks for a great night, one and all!

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