
Portrait of the (Featured) Artist

This just in -- Ryan will be among the artists featured on Boundless Gallery's home page on Tuesday, February 10.

Boundless Gallery's Discover an Artist section features 50 artists per day, in rotations of 5. If you don't see Ryan's work when you land on the home page, you can either refresh your browser until you do, or click directly to his online gallery. (Note: Due to his desire not to be mistaken for the football player of the same name, his art is listed there under R. William instead of Ryan.)

This is a nice surprise to start off the week, and it gave us something fun to post on the Blog page of the brand new MAN vs. GEORGE DESIGN Web site.

Please take a look at both the Boundless Gallery page and the MAN vs. GEORGE site and let us know what you think in the comments!

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