
Porridge Delivery Vehicle of the Gods

It's amazing what you can find when shopping for wooden spoons on Amazon.com
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Review by f.ferreiro (Gainesville, Fl. USA), April 30, 2005
It's small. It's cute. It's made of wood. It's also a spoon. It's the 1058023 Small Wooden Spoon and its f*cking amazing. I cannot begin to count the number of times that I have used this, my favorite utensil, to deliver the nourishment of a warm porridge from the bowl from whence it came up to my hungry lips. Anyone with a basic grasp of chemistry knows that unlike metal, wood is not a very good conductor. This means no more burnt lips, folks! Not even Satan himself could concoct something hot enough that would make this adorable little spoon burn your lips. Listen, I'm not a greedy man. All I require to live a content life is a woman that loves me, a martini glass filled to the brim with an alcoholic beverage of some sort, and a small wooden spoon with which to stir it. Thank you OXO Good grips, thank you.

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